problems in moods & feelings?
psychotherapy for unlocking happiness
- anxiety
- panic attacks
- overwhelmed
- stressed or burdened
- persistent sadness, loss or grief
- depression
- irritability or dissatisfaction
- anger
- frustration or impatience
- unstable self-confidence
- never feeling satisfied you do enough
- being harsh with yourself when things go wrong
- second-guessing yourself
- feeling uncertain about your choices and decisions
- having difficulty asserting your needs
- your self-esteem is tied to performance and outcomes
Are you feeling unhappy due to problems - like those in the green bar - in recurring unpleasant moods or
unsupportive, painful feelings toward yourself? If so, you have come to the right place. We are here to help you feel better.
Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression or sadness, or ups and downs in your self-confidence, you are taking care of yourself in seeking psychotherapy to help you feel happier. No one should have to live with recurring unpleasant moods or painful feelings.
We are interested in hearing about the distress you are experiencing. We can provide responsive, knowledgeble Individual Psychotherapy dedicated to helping you unlock happiness in your moods and feelings - to feel more genuinely happy, to enjoy a more pleasurable experience of inner well-being, and to feel more consistently good about yourself.
We are experienced, Licensed Clinical Psychologists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers with comfortable Independent Private Psychotherapy Practices in Downtown Chicago and Oak Park. We share a common approach to psychotherapy that was developed by leading experts in the field and has been helping people, like yourself, for over two decades.
Over and above standard broad training in a range of approaches, we have specialized training and expertise in the advances of Inner Humanism – a sophisticated, compassionate, contemporary psychotherapy that:
- cares for you as a unique person
- is tailored to respond to your specific problems, goals, and individual needs
- aims to help bring about tangible, positive changes in your day to day moods & feelings
- aims to help simultaneously with the source of the problems to also improve your inner happiness
- works through a natural process within a caring therapeutic relationship
- will help you stay the course and turn inevitable, temporary setbacks into opportunities for further growth
 Meet Ms. Carol Johnson
630 . 235 . 8175 or
- to have a Complimentary Phone Consultation
- to discuss your goals
- to get answers to your questions
- to schedule an appointment and find out if these services are right for you
Or if you prefer, you can see all of our profiles at Select a Psychotherapist where you
can choose a psychotherapist to contact. We look forward to hearing from you.
*Please note: The Featured Psychotherapist will make every effort to reply within 24 hours of your contact or by
the next business day, if contacted over a weekend. If this is an emergency, please seek immediate assistance by going to your nearest emergency room.
- unusual irritability or anger
- undue anxiety about normal life events
- persistent dissatisfaction, sadness or depression
- low self-esteem
- low frustration tolerance
- temper tantrums
- excessive fears regarding normal life events
- low frustration tolerance
- difficulty separating from you for short periods to pursue activities or attend school
You can learn about our services, including Individual Psychotherapy at Types of Services. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of our approach and how they might help you, see Inner Humanism Advances - moods & feelings. To learn about the background behind these advances, see What is Inner Humanism? –
who developed it and why? (a great Chicago story) and – how does it address unhappiness and unlock happiness? You can learn about our private practices, including our full profiles and professional backgrounds at Select a Psychotherapist. To learn about other types of problems we treat, see Problems Treated.
YOUR TEEN OR CHILD: Is you teen or child experiencing problems - like those in the green bar - in being moody at home, at school, or with friends?
If so, certain specially trained Psychotherapists offer Individual Psychotherapy suited to the developmental needs of teens and children of all ages. We are here to help your teen or child unlock happiness - to feel more genuinely happy and to feel more consistently good about herself or himself. Parent Counseling and School Consultation are also available.